STA 409PC 是在同步热重差热分析中广为应用的仪器, 采用垂直结构,能优化气流状况,污染小,易于操作。 炉体采用真空密闭系统,可在多种动态气氛(N2、Ar、He、air、O2与其他特殊气体)以及真空、静态气氛下进行测量。STA 409 PC能提供多种不同温度范围、不同特性的可自由更换的传感器与炉体,适应不同的应用需要。还能提供多种不同类型的坩埚,适应不同的样品性。此设备还有可选的比热测试软件与 Super-Res(速率控制失重RCM)软件。
The STA 409PC is widely used in synchronous thermogravimetric differential thermal analysis. With vertical structure, it can optimize the airflow condition, reduce pollution and is easy to operate. The furnace body uses a vacuum closed system, which can be measured in a variety of dynamic atmospheres (N2, Ar, He, air, O2 and other special gases), as well as in vacuum and static atmosphere. STA 409 PC can provide a wide range of different temperature range, different characteristics of the freely replaced sensor and furnace, adapt to different application needs. It can also provide various types of crucibles for different sample characteristics. This device also has optional specific heat test software and Super-Res (rate control weightless RCM) software.