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GC-2010 Plus气相色谱仪

时间:2018-08-02  来源:  点击量:

      GC-2010 Plus采用世界领先的高灵敏度检测器(FPDFID等),从而获得高可靠性、高重现性、高精度的痕量级分析结果。 另外,更快的柱温箱冷却速度和先进的流路技术(如反吹系统等)为缩短分析时间、提高分析效率提供了强有力的保证。

     The GC-2010 Plus uses the world's leading high sensitivity detector (FPD, FID, etc.) to obtain high reliability, high reproducibility and high precision trace level analysis results. In addition, the faster cooling rate of the column temperature box and the advanced flow technique (such as the back blowing system) provide a strong guarantee for reducing the analysis time and improving the efficiency of the analysis.
